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About Me

My name is Samantha Swanson and I have been working with, riding and training horses since I was four years old. I've been in the horse world for decades and in that time I have learned some amazing things about horses as well as come to realize how much of a joy they are in my life. They are our friends, companions and in the show ring, they are our dance partners. Horses give us the ability to fly higher then we would normally be able to and when we need a friend, they are there to give us that quiet company we need. 

At the age of 4 my parents decided I needed to learn how to ride western because the family was going to a dude ranch. From the moment I sat on my first riding horse, JoJo, I was hooked. I learned to ride not far down the road from where Diamond Edge is now, at Happy Trails on Rt. 22.  

After starting my career learning western, I made the shift to English riding, specifically the Hunter Jumper style of riding when I was six years old and I never looked back. Once I made the transition over to English I began to learn everything I could be taught as quickly as they were willing to teach it to me. By the time I was 10 years old I was competing on the local circuit with my first pony, Ziggy. 

I was an avid competitor​ all through my middle school and high school career, and even competed on my boarding school's team while I was away. Even in my first year of competing I won year end awards for my division and by the time I was in high school I was regularly winning one or more divisions each year.  In 2002 I qualified for every invite only, year end competition, the circuits I rode on hosted. Coming back with prizes in each class I rode in. 


Once I went to College, I stepped back from showing on the national level to focus on school. I still showed on my local circuit in Maryland and won two divisions, getting second in my third division.  Having achieved my goals in the show world, and graduated college I decided I wanted to share my passion and love for horses with others just as my trainers had shared their love with me.

It is because of that want to share what I loved with others that lead me to starting my own farm. 

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